
Wallingford Man Frustrated After Canceled Cancer Treatments Due to the Coronavirus

NBC Universal, Inc.

Paul Mancuso has battled Multiple Myeloma cancer for nearly three years. But now his treatment plan is up in the air because of the coronavirus.

Paul Mancuso has battled Multiple Myeloma cancer for nearly three years. Now he’s getting news he’s never heard before.

“Right now they have no long-term plan for me, and it’s the first time they’ve told me that in almost three years,” said Mancuso.

The loving husband and dad was diagnosed with an aggressive form of the cancer in 2018. They tried other treatment plans that haven’t worked. Right now he’s between rounds of a high-dose, four-day chemotherapy treatment plan.

“My cancer numbers are lower than they’ve ever been, and my blood numbers are coming up right where it needs to be,” he said.

That could change at any moment, which is why he’s trying not to lose hope. Those numbers are just right ahead of a clinical trial they call their last chance: a CAR T Cell therapy trial. He says it showed strong results. But now it’s on hold in light of the coronavirus.

“My nurses suggested to me they’re not doing any elective surgeries, and any clinical trial is considered an elective surgery,” said Mancuso.

He says the blood platelets used for chemo are in short supply, and it’s a must for a four-day, 24-hour treatment. Doing some research, he found out most heavy chemo treatments and clinical trials are postponed in nearby states.

“They used to call me the most positive cancer patient in the world and after that visit I just came home and thought this is it,” said Mancuso.

His wife has been by his side, and she says she’s made calls to hospitals in Boston and Houston, hoping there’s room for him.

“It’s very upsetting and disheartening,” said Karen Mancuso. “It’s our last chance.”

They say the frustration is not with their circle of support, or the people who got them here today.

“The oncologists, the PAs, the doctors. We praise them even two and a half years later we still see them but right now he’s at a point where he really needs help,” said Karen.

They hope the medical community will take a look at other patients who are still in desperate need.

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