Waterbury Board of Education Member Arrested

Melissa Adorno surrendered to police earlier this month and faces charges related to a shipment of cocaine.

A Waterbury Board of Education member and her husband are facing charges connected to a shipment of cocaine.

A Waterbury Board of Education member and her husband are facing charges connected to a shipment of cocaine.

Waterbury Board of Education member, Melissa Adorno surrendered to police earlier this month and faces charges of money laundering, forgery and giving a false statement. Her attorney said the charges are unfounded.

“I don’t see that she’s committed a crime, said attorney, Ioannis Kaloidis. “It’s a lot of smoke and mirrors.”

Adorno and her husband Victor Adorno, who also faces charges were scheduled to face a judge Thursday, but proceedings were continued until December 5.

According to court documents, an investigation began in June after five pounds of cocaine shipped through UPS were intercepted. The paperwork states that Victor Adorno, tried to pick up the shipment using a false name.

His attorneys said they will plead not guilty and are conducting their own investigation, which includes reviewing surveillance video from the UPS location where the package was shipped.

“We’re prepared to get the cameras and the footage and see where we can go from there,” said Attorney Daniel Thibodeau.

Victor Adorno faces charges of attempting to commit possession of narcotics, violation of state income tax requirements and money laundering. Investigators found $19,000 in cash in the Adorno home during a July 11 search. His attorneys said this money is explainable.

“Mr. Adorno received a personal injury settlement around $216,000 and he and his wife had withdrawn some of that money and kept it home to prepare to renew their wedding vows.”

People in Waterbury were surprised to learn a Board of Education member is connected.

“I feel that’s awful,” said Lucy Delgado of Waterbury. “We need some good people in our school system for our kids.”

Melissa Adorno was elected to Waterbury’s Board of Education in 2017 and remains on the board.

“We should hold (BOE members) at a high standard because they represent our kids,” added Shaneek Edmunds. “They’re supposed to be an example.”

Waterbury Board of Education had no comment and referred all further inquiries to Waterbury Police.

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