Town officials in West Hartford agreed to a settlement in a lawsuit that alleged a sexual assault in a middle school locker room in 2013 and claimed a pattern of negligence within the district.
That lawsuit claimed that three students allegedly yelled out "Let's rape [a student]” in an unsupervised boys locker room at Sedgwick Middle School in West Hartford in April 2013, then dragged the 8th grader "while he was kicking and screaming, into the unlocked closet" where he was sexually assaulted.
“The Town Council agreed Tuesday night to a settlement of $87,500 in a case involving a minor, alleging that the West Hartford Board of Education and three physical education teachers at Sedgwick Middle School were negligent and failed to comply with the Board of Education’s sexual harassment and bullying policy related to incidents that took place in the Sedgwick Middle School locker room on April 24, 2013, and April 25, 2013, when the plaintiff was an eighth-grader at the school,” corporate counsel Pat Alair said in a statement.