Your Guide to Election Day 2021 in Connecticut

NBC Universal, Inc.

Voters across Connecticut are heading to the polls to vote in several local races.

Tuesday is Election Day and cities and towns across the state have municipal races.

The state has around 2.3 million registered voters, Secretary of the State Denise Merrill said, which she said is the highest we've had in the state.

Residents will vote for town leaders and some cities and towns have referendums going before voters. You can see the full list of races here.

Voting Hours

  • For an election or primary, polls in Connecticut are open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Any elector standing in line at the polls at 8 p.m. will be allowed to cast a vote.
  • Check with your Town Clerk for the hours of voting on a referendum. They vary by town.

Connecticut Voter ID Requirements

First-time voters must present:

  • A copy of a current and valid photo identification that shows your name and address;
  • Or a copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck, or government document that shows your name and address;
  • Or cast a provisional ballot

All other voters must present:

  • Your social security card
  • Or any pre-printed form of identification that shows your:
    • name and address, or
    • name and signature, or
    • name and photograph
  • Or sign a statement under penalty of false statement on Form ED-681 entitled, "Signatures of Electors Who Did Not Present ID," provided by the Secretary of the State that the elector whose name appears on the official checklist is the same person who is signing the form.

Where to Vote

This website allows you to look up your voter registration and polling place.

Check Your Local Ballot

The Secretary of the State’s Office has posted sample ballots for cities and towns as well. You can check your local ballot here.

Election Day Registration

If you have not registered to vote, but want to, Connecticut does have Election Day Registration.

That allows Connecticut residents who are eligible to vote to register and vote in person on Election Day as long as they meet the eligibility requirements for voting in the state and are not already registered or registered in one town but moved to another town. 

Election Day Registration isn’t available at your polling place, but is available at a designated Election Day Registration location in each town, beginning at 6 a.m. and ending at 8 p.m. You would register and vote at the designated EDR location in your town. You must be registered by 8 p.m. to vote. You will need to provide proof of identity and residency.                   

Find Election Day Registration locations here.

Absentee Ballots

All absentee ballots must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day to be counted.

Voters who plan on returning an absentee ballot should use the secure absentee ballot drop boxes in their municipality.

Election Day Hotline

An Election Day Hotline will be set up at 1-866-SEEC-INFO (1-866-733-2463) to report problems at the polls

There is also an email address, for voters to use if they encounter any difficulties casting ballots during the day.

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