Dallas Mavericks Game 4 Delayed After Leaky Roof at AAC

A leaky roof caused a delay during Game 4 of the Western Conference finals

USA TODAY Sports Members of the arena staff put down towels to absorb water from a leaking roof before the start of the third quarter between the Dallas Mavericks and the Golden State Warriors in game four of the 2022 Western Conference Finals.

The start of the second half of Game 4 of the Western Conference finals was delayed 16 minutes because of rain leaking through the roof Tuesday night at the American Airlines Center.

With heavy rain falling outside, there were at least two leaks, one dropping water near the Golden State bench. There was another leak at the end of the court where the Dallas Mavericks bench is, though water there appeared to be falling in the stands.

Both teams had already warmed up for the second half before the leaks were noticed. Workers were in the roof structure high above the court trying to patch up the areas where rain was seeping through and also appeared to be using a tarp to collect any rain still getting through.

There were eventually five minutes added to the halftime break to allow extra warmup for players for both teams before play finally resumed with the Mavericks up 62-47.

Moments of silence were held for the victims of a crash that killed a Palestine school coach and injured two students, and for the victims of the Uvalde school shooting before the game started.

Copyright The Associated Press
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