Adieu, Montreal, and your wonderful pub hockey debates

Just arrived back in D.C., where it's cold, snowy and yet strangely feeling like Cancun in comparison to Montreal during all-star weekend. Thanks to everyone who stopped by and devoured the coverage over the weekend. Hopefully we were able to provide some interesting context with our particular brand of whimsy.

After filing last night's NHL All-Star Game recap, I took the advice of another writer and tracked down a particular brand of whiskey: maple whiskey, to be exact, with a tasty stout whose make and model escapes me on the morning after. Yum.

The real highlight, however, was engaging in the sort of rapturous hockey debates that must rage in McLean's Pub on Peel Street nearly every night: Bobby Orr over Gretzky all-time? Mario, healthy or not, over Gretzky all-time? Is Crosby overrated? Is Lindros a Hall of Famer? Hell, at one point I'm pretty sure we were arguing about Ron Francis vs. Pat LaFontaine. Good times.

Back to this dear blog: The coverage early this week will feature some killer all-star leftovers, including an awkward first-time appearance by a Norris candidate; some great stuff from Tim Thomas of the Boston Bruins; and, our technological limitations notwithstanding, some video interviews.

In the meantime ... is a team-produced, limited edition jersey celebrating the centennial for the Montreal Canadiens -- complete with No. 100 on the back -- a Jersey Foul? Ah, sweet masturbatory nostalgia; nobody, not even the Yankees, does it better than the Habs.

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