Puck Headlines: Morrow done; Jarkko's love of crocodile hunting

Here are your Evening Puck Headlines and Preview: A glorious collection of news and views collected from the greatest blogosphere in sports and the few, the proud, the mainstream hockey media.

• Breaking News: Brenden Morrow will miss six months with a torn right ACL. Nice knowing you, Dallas Stars. [Dallas Stars Blog]

• The big news in Don Brennan's Ottawa Senators notebook is that players like Dany Heatley, Nick Foligno and Antoine Vermette have gone the Everett Silvertips route and grown hockey power mustaches. But buried inside the article is 24-karat Jarkko Ruutu gold: If he wasn't a hockey player, he might have been a reptile wrestler. "I'd want to be a crocodile hunter, like (the late) Steve Irwin ... But I don't think I have the balls for it. It's interesting, all the energy (Irwin) had. The stuff he was doing and he was so excited about it." Oh, and then Jarkko adds the quote of the day: "A lot of people think I am screwed up ... but I am." [Ottawa Sun]

• The evidence is clear: Dallas Stars fans were also engaging in some nefarious auto-voting for the all-star game, as the numbers for players like Mike Modano shrunk. [Bangin Panger, which is a blog chock full o'awesome]

Preview: Philadelphia Flyers at Buffalo Sabres (7:30 p.m. EST; TV: CN8, MSG). The big news is on the Buffalo bench, where Lindy Ruff has decided to banish Henrik Tallinder and Maxim Afinogenov to the press box in order to make a statement. "It's about how hard you're playing and if you're not playing well enough, you're going to have to come out," he said. Ouch. Jonathon Kalinski has been called up by the Flyers, as Danny Briere remains out of the lineup and killing our fantasy team.

Preview: New York Islanders at New Jersey Devils (7 p.m. EST; TV: MSG2, MSG). There have to be people who purchased tickets to this game at the start of the season hoping for Rick DiPietro vs. Martin Brodeur. Oh well. No refunds. Kevin Weekes in goal for the Devils. Chris Botta has nice coverage of the Islanders recalling enforcer Mitch Fritz, and how that affects the lineup.

• Islanders fans should buy Greg Logan of Newsday a beer for his thorough interview with GM Garth Snow, one that covered everything from DiPietro being rushed back to Blake Comeau's demotion to the general philosophy of the team. [Newsday]

Mike Green is getting healthy. Sergei Fedorov could be back. But as the Washington Capitals prepare for a big showdown with the San Jose Sharks this weekend, Alexander Semin remains doubtful. [Capitals Insider]

Preview: Florida Panthers at Boston Bruins (7 p.m. EST; TV: FSFL, NESN). Tim Thomas gets the nod tonight after Manny Fernandez participated in that wild game against the Sabres earlier this week. More trouble for Florida: AccuScore predicts a Bruins win by 0.9 goals.

Preview: Phoenix Coyotes at Carolina Hurricanes (7 p.m. EST; TV: FSAZ, FSS). Eric Staal is in a huge slump (one goal in 12 games), and that has Phoenix Coach Wayne Gretzky on edge. If that's the case, then Carolina must be absolutely petrified of Kyle Turris.

• In case you haven't seen it, Deadspin had a humorous, scandalous and outrageous story about Henrik Zetterberg and a good looking woman in a chicken outfit. Ah, gossip. It's not that we don't necessarily believe the story; it's just that oh my god look at her. [Deadspin]

Montreal Canadiens GM Bob Gainey meets with Mats Sundin in the hopes of reasserting the Habs into the Derby. We've said it before: Sundin in the middle of that lineup makes the Cup favorite out of the East. [TSN]

Preview: Nashville Predators as Tampa Bay Lightning (7:30 p.m. EST; TV: FSS, SUN). Patric Hornqvist and Ryan Jones have been sent down to the AHL by the Preds. Meanwhile, Vincent Lecavalier will appear on "Hockey Night in Canada" to (we assume) refute Barry Melrose's claim that he and other players revolted, leading to his dismissal. This is all ended well, didn't it?

Preview: Anaheim Ducks at St. Louis Blues (8:30 p.m. EST; TV: KDOC, FSMW). Look, nothing we say here is going to be more rewarding than this report from the Charles County Sheriff's Office: Someone knocked over a Subway sandwich shop in Waldorf, Md., wearing an old school Mighty Ducks of Anaheim jacket. Hope Guy Hebert and Joe Sacco have suitable alibis.

• Big, big fans of the Melt Your Face Off photo quiz. [MYFO]

• Finally, and completing a day of really fabulous hockey-related commercials here on Puck Daddy, it's Jason Pominville of the Sabres. Eat your heart out, Max Talbot

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