Windsor Woman And Solar Company Get Wires Crossed

A Windsor woman spent months trying to resolve an issue with a solar company over solar panels.

When Merline Furze decided to purchase solar panels, she thought the process would be simple enough. Buy the panels, get them installed and save some cash. But what she didn’t consider is how inclement weather could pose a challenge.

“One of my friends across the street had it and she recommended the solar to me,” Furze said.

The Windsor resident says a salesman with Sunrun convinced her to buy the panels. So, she signed a 20-year contract to get the service in 2016.

“He talked to me and told me how I’m going to save energy and all that stuff and I said okay,” Furze said.

Furze said she noticed significant savings on her electric bill after the solar panels were installed. Then in February 2017, high winds damaged her roof and the company removed the panels two months later.

“I’m frustrated. I’m angry,” she said.

Furze told us once the contractor finished the roof repairs, she waited nearly a year for someone from Sunrun to come out and replace the solar panels after calling the company repeatedly.

“I waited months and months and nobody came and nobody called me,” she said.

Sunrun disputes that claim, stating that Furze initially requested not to have the panels re-installed.

Sunrun put the panels back up in April of this year. But from April 24 to May 24, Furze said the solar panels weren’t working and she said her electric bill nearly doubled for that month.

So, she contacted Sunrun again and when Furze couldn’t get the issue resolved, she reached out to NBC Connecticut Responds.

A Sunrun spokesperson explained that Furze had an outstanding bill while her roof was being repaired.

“Upon further investigation, we discovered that the panels were removed due to a non-solar related windstorm issue… following that experience, Ms. Furze requested that the panels not be re-installed. In May 2018, Ms. Furze allowed us to re-install the panels; however, there was still an outstanding bill from when Ms. Furze’s roof was being repaired.

Ms. Furze [sic] roof issue was not related to Sunrun’s solar panel performance, service response, or other concerns within the scope of our agreement. Despite this, we have gone ahead and reimbursed Ms. Furze's account for the $156.20.

Giving households freedom of choice when it comes to their energy future is integral to our mission..”

And with this resolution, Furze said she couldn’t be happier that NBC Connecticut Responds stepped in to help her.

“I’m grateful. I’m thankful to you.”

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